Feeding into Feedback
Alright y'all.... I have no energy left. I am just copy and pasting a discussion I spent so much time on. I feel that if I do anything, I have to give it my all. So even though I am now 4-weeks behind on assignments. I MUST get my voice outside of the constraints of the originating course. If I somehow find the time and energy, I will return to moisten and season the overcooked abomination. Okay ENJOY! 1. · What information do you want to collect? For my level 1 evaluation I will want to collect my student-technicians reactions to a couple forms of digital service literature. I will explain what I mean by this here as well as below. As my students work their way through the automotive program, I will introduce them to literature which details a myriad of important automotive service information. Thus, said repositories for this content have been dubbed, "service literature." The two that sources of literature that I will be collecting audience reaction o...